If you look at the different aspects of your life – about what’s really important to you, what do you see? Are you as happy or as satisfied as can be with all those areas, or do you feel like you’re stuck in one or more of them and want to be in a better place?
Are there difficult decisions and changes you need to make in your family life, relationships, career, or spiritual path? Do you need to increase your confidence or motivation to do things? Do you desire a more peaceful, stress-free and positive life?
Imagine working with your very own champion that supports you to achieve your life dreams and professional goals. The time to act is now so take that small, first step to change your life and get where you want to be.
Below are some of the most common areas in which I support my clients as a personal life coach:

Most people spend roughly a third of their lives at work: that fact alone should stress the importance of being happy with what you do. Below are some questions to reflect on:
- How satisfied are you with your current role and career progression?
- Do you enjoy your work environment and your colleagues?
- Is your full potential being realised with your current job?
- Are you happy with your current work-life balance?

Our social interactions can be a source of tremendous pleasure or pain:
- Are you fulfilled with your social life?
- Are you surrounded by people that care about you and that keep you enthusiastic to do the things that are important to you – or are you lonely or worse yet, surrounded by people that drain you?
- If you’re with a partner, is your relationship a healthy one?
- What could you do to make your relationship even stronger?

Your immediate and extended family can have a significant influence on your life, your decisions and your overall happiness:
- Are you satisfied with your family relationships?
- How content are you with your spouse, siblings, children or even your extended family?
- If this area of life is important to you, are you happy with it?
- Is there a conflict with a family member you’d like to resolve?

While most coaches are not medical doctors, they provide a number of tools and techniques that you can readily and immediately benefit from:
- Would you say you lead a well-balanced life?
- Do you feel healthy or are there things you know you’d like to improve on? These could be exercising more, controlling your diet or managing stress.
- Do you wonder why you’re not motivated enough to break unhealthy habits, even though you know they’re bad for you?

Most people, particularly when they’re older, have a need to make a meaningful contribution – to leave their positive mark on the world:
- What will your mark be on the world?
- Are you concerned about what legacy you will leave behind?
- If you were to die today, what regrets would you have?
- How would you like people to remember you when you’re gone?

Without a strong sense of purpose and self, we can feel lost, depressed and unfulfilled:
- Are you content and at peace with yourself? Or do you find yourself frustrated with your lot and increasingly irritable with people around you?
- Do you know who you are; and are you clear about the core values that drive you?
- Are you aware of your fears and do you understand their impact on your life? More importantly, do you know how to overcome your fears?
If there are one or more areas in your life that would make you much happier and more peaceful if you improved it, and you are ready to do something about it then hiring an effective life coach will help you.
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